Adventure Kids - Adventure Kids

Adventure Kids (3-5): Home Sweet Habitats

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Activity Details

Adventure Kids (3-5): Home Sweet Habitats

Meeting Details

Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Days: Sat
Sippo Lake Park-North
5712 12th St. NW
Canton, OH, 44708


Age older than or equal to 3.00 and younger than or equal to 5.99. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
Current Transaction Date on or after 10/01/24.
Transaction Date/Time on or after 10/01/24 @ 7:00 am.

Adventure Kids (3-5): Home Sweet Habitats

Do snakes live in Antarctica? Do foxes live in trees? Explore with us why animals live where they live through a craft, animal encounter and a game. We'll even create our own mini habitats to take home!


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